
A Non-Fungible Token with a Built-In Proof of Contribution Scoring System

Multi-SBT (Soulbound Token) is a non-fungible and non-transferable token issued to participants of the MultiDAO. It represents an individual's voting power in the DAO based on their Proof of Contribution (POC) score. This score is determined by combining the individual's veMULTI holdings, participation in events, and work done for the DAO.

How It Works

  1. The POC score of a member of the MultiDAO is calculated based on their completed bounty score, participation in events, and veMulti holdings. This score is then assigned to a non-transferable NFT, known as a Soulbound Token (Multi-SBT).

  2. Multi-SBT contribution levels are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.

  3. Bounty rewards are in USDC and sent to your wallet on a monthly basis.

  4. Extra bonuses are distributed to participants based on their total contribution level score. The contribution levels are as follows:

    • Bronze: 1% bonus

    • Silver: 2% bonus

    • Gold: 4% bonus

    • Platinum: 8% bonus

    • Diamond: 16% bonus

    To qualify for each level, the following score requirements must be met:

    • Bronze: 1,000 points

    • Silver: 5,000 points

    • Gold: 30,000 points

    • Platinum: 100,000 points

    • Diamond: 200,000 points

The Governance Pool is a group of high Multi-SBT score members who are eligible for election to the governance committee and council. To be considered for the Governance Pool, the following SBT score requirements must be met:

  • V2 Governance: Top 2%-6% SBT score

  • V1 Governance: Top 1% SBT score

The Operation group and Guild leaders of the MultiDAO will receive extra bounty rewards. The Guild leaders will be chosen through a three-month voting process by guild members.

The POC score is tracked based on event participation, contribution behavior, and veMulti locked value. It will decrease in value over time to prioritize current contributions over past contributions.

Points will be deducted for bounty applicants who violate the contract. The following penalties will be applied for each offense:

  • 1st offense: 5% SBT deduction

  • 2nd offense: 10% SBT deduction

  • 3rd offense: 50% SBT deduction

Offenses will be reset after six months.

Last updated